In no particular order, this is a list of my favorite Firefox
extensions. They make my browsing experience awesome and I wouldn’t
trade them for anything in the world.
- Live HTTP Headers. I’ve had this extension for years and it has proved invaluable time and time again. I use it for debugging and security testing. Very simple, very easy to use, very powerful.
- Firebug. This one is important for anyone doing web design/development. It’s just an absolutely awesome tool. I can’t imagine ever having developed HTML/CSS without it. It even comes with its own extension system, which I haven’t taken advantage of but which looks incredible.
- Web Developer Toolbar
- User Agent Switcher. Both #3 and #4 are made by the same developer. These were two of the first extensions I ever installed. I keep using them because of how useful they are for debugging and testing.
- View Source With. Allows me to view HTML in my favorite Windows text editor, Notepad2
- BugMeNot. While it has grown less useful over the years (sites
are getting better and better at banning their accounts), it’s
always a good time-saver to have. It can’t hurt!
There are definitely a couple developers who I need to donate to. BRB!